Innovatieve werkzaamheden

In dit gedeelte vindt u alle innovatieve werkzaamheden van ICONE. Dr. Klos bezoekt elk jaar verschillende congressen waarbij ook vaak presentaties worden gegeven. Onder het kopje congressen vindt u de informatie met betrekking tot het congres. De presentaties zijn apart terug te vinden. In de meeste gevallen kunt u deze presentaties ook zelf downloaden. Bij publicaties staan de artikelen, boeken en proefschriften die dr. Klos heeft geschreven of aan mee heeft gewerkt.


  • 2019 - BJM. Diagnostic accuracy of dynamic ultrasound imaging in partial and complete anterior cruciate ligament tears: a retrospective study in 247 patients. Manon Breukers, Dorieke Haase, Stephan Konijnenberg, Tiburtius V S Klos, Geert-Jan Dinant, Ramon P G Ottenheijm
  • 2017 - KSSTA. High prevalence of all complex Segond avulsion using ultrasound. B.Klos, S. Konijnenberg. M. Scholtes
  • 2016 - KSSTA; abstracts of the 17th ESSKA congress. Volume 24, supplement 1. High incidence of ALL/ Segond avulsion in ultrasound imaging. B. Klos, S. Konijnenberg, M. Scholtes; S231-322
  • 2016 - Surgery of the meniscus C. Hulet, ESSKA. Chapter Meniscus ultrasound. T.V.S. Klos, S.E.M. Konijnenberg, chapter 15, p147-161
  • 2016 - EFOST Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine - Knee Surgery Volume 1: Soft Tissue Burt Klos, Henrique Jones, Wasim Khan, Francois Kelberline
  • 2016 - EFOST Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine - Knee Surgery Volume 2; Bone Tissue - Burt Klos, Henrique Jones
  • 2014 - Computer-assisted anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Four generations of development and usage. T.V.S. Klos, Sports Med Arthrosc 2014 Dec; 22(4): 229-36
  • 2012 - Chapter Instructionalcourse book Geneva; Computer-Assisted Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction; Four Generations of Development And Usag; Stefano Zaffagnini, M.D., Tiburtius V. Klos, M.D
  • 2010 - Journal of arthroscopy and releated surgery; Vol 26, no 4, p 546-554 Computer-Assisted Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: An Evidence-Based Approach of the First 15 Years; Stefano Zaffagnini, Tiburtius V. Klos
  • 2005 - Chapter 19 In A.M.DiGioia : Computer and Robotic Assisted Knee and Hip Surgery: Computer assistance in arthroscopic ACL reconstruction. Klos , Habets, Banks, Banks, Devilee, Cook.
  • 2001 - Giesberts AME, Klos TVS, Eeftinck Schattenkerk MP. Arthroscopische Repositie en Fixatie Triplane Fracturen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Traumatologie 2001 Vol:9 (1) pag. 1 t/m 6.
  • 2000 - Klos TV, Banks SA, Habets RJ, Cook FF. Sagittal plane imaging parameters for computer-assisted fluoroscopy anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Comput Aided Surg. 2000;5(1):28-34
  • 2000 - Klos TV, Harman MK, Habets RJ, Devilee RJ, Banks SA. Locating femoral graft placement from lateral radiographs in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a comparison of 3 methods of measuring radiographic images p.499-504
  • 2000 - Brandt G, Rademacher K, Zimolong A, Rau G, Merloz P, Klos TV, Robb J, Staudte HW. GRIGOS:development of a compact robot for image-guided orthopedic surgery Orthopaedie. 2000 Jul;29(7):645-9.
  • 1999 - H.J.L.Tol, N.C.Schepel, T.V.S.Klos en C.N.van Dijk Snapping scapula’-syndroom; resultaten van endoscopische behandeling. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1999 3 juli;143(27)
  • 1999 - Klos TVS, Harman MK, Devilee RJJ, Banks SA, Cook FF. Patellar tendon graft position after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Interobserver variability on lateral radiographs. Acta Orthop Scand p.180-184
  • 1999 - Nolte L.P., Ganz Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery Huber Bern Chapter : Computer Assisted Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction T.V.S. Klos, A.Z. Banks, S.A. Banks , F.F. Cook
  • 1998 - Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy vol. 6/4 pp 258-259 Interobserver variation in the assessment of roentgenograms for reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament T.V.Klos, M Harman, R. Devilee, R. Habets
  • 1998 - T.V.S. Klos, R.J.E. Habets, A.Z. Banks. S.A. Banks, R.J.J. Devilee, F.F. Cook Computer Assistance in Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research p.65-69
  • 1998 - T.V.S. Klos, S.A. Banks, F.F. Cook: Radiographic Parameters for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Fluoroscopy . Orthopaedic Transactions, 1997-1998, vol.21/4 PP 1228-29.
  • 1997 - In lecture Notes in Computer Science: Springer Verlag 1997 A simple fluoroscopy based technique for assessing 3D Knee Kinematics before, during and after Reconstructive Surgery. S.A. Banks, A.Z. Banks, T.V.S. Klos, F.F. Cook
  • 1997 - Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology & Arthroscopy vol 5/4 276-276 Preliminary results in computer assisted ACL reconstruction and developments in computer assisted evaluation TVS Klos, SA Banks, AZ Banks, R.J.E. Habets
  • 1996 - Computer Assisted Radiology, H.U. Lemke et al., editors Elsevier Science 1996 Radiographic parameters for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction using Computer Assisted and Fluoroscopic Controlled Techniques p.832-836
  • 1995 - Journal of Image Guided Surgery Supplement: Computer and radiographic Assisted Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. p. 252-255. Tiburtius V.S. Klos, Anne Z. Banks, Scott A. Banks & Frank F. Cook. p.252-255
  • 1995 - Ed. Satava et al. Interactive Technology & The New Paradigm in HealthCare. IOS Press Amsterdam. Chapter 28 : Interactive Fluoroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Tiburtius V.S. Klos, S.A. Banks, F.F. Cook, M. Harman, A.Z. Banks
  • Presentaties

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